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Why Are There So Many Ladybugs & How To Get Rid Of Them

Posted on March 15, 2024

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Why Are There So Many Ladybugs & How To Get Rid Of Them

At Jamison Pest and Lawn, we have decades of experience when it comes to offering high-quality pest control and lawn maintenance services. But this is just one of our areas of expertise. We also make sure that homeowners are aware of various types of pests that can infiltrate their homes. 

In our previous blog posts, we have discussed effective ways to get rid of termites, ants, and rodents from your home and roof. Continuing with this series, we will now delve into the topic of ladybugs. We’ll cover what ladybugs are, how they enter your home, and, of course, how you can get rid of them.

How Can You Identify a Ladybug? 

Many people are already well aware of what a ladybug looks like, as they are commonly found in gardens and homes across the United States, especially in humid states such as Tennessee and Mississippi.

They’re quite small and typically have red or orange wings covered with black spots, although some species may be yellow, black, or even pink (though these are not very common). While they may seem unassuming when spotted alone, and even considered lucky, these little creatures can infest your home in masses that are too large to ignore. 

How Do Ladybugs Get Into Your Home?


Ladybugs, with their vibrant colors and tiny nature, are often a welcome sight in gardens and fields. However, when these charming insects start appearing in large numbers inside your home, on windowsills, or clustering around light fixtures, it can be quite unnerving. So, if you find yourself wondering, why are there so many ladybugs? Here is the answer.  

Seeking Shelter

These tiny insects often seek shelter in homes when the seasons start to change and turn colder. Ladybugs actually hibernate, and do so in large groups. Their population starts to increase during October, around the time of Halloween, and as temperatures drop, they look for sheltered places to stay warm during the winter.  Because of their small size, they hibernate in large groups to keep warm and conserve resources. You may find them tucked away in the cracks of walls, attics, or behind siding. 

 Attracted to Light

Ladybugs are attracted to light, which is why you might find them gathering around windows or light fixtures in areas such as your bathroom. Artificial lights can confuse these insects, drawing them towards your home. Once inside, they may cluster near these light sources, making their infestation known.

Pheromones and Aggregation

Ladybugs release pheromones that attract other ladybugs for reproductive purposes. If one ladybug finds its way into your home, it can emit these chemicals, signaling to other ladybugs that your home is a suitable place to stay over the winter. This can result in a sudden influx of ladybugs seeking shelter together. 

How To Rid Your Home And Lawn Of Ladybugs 

While one or two ladybugs can be a welcome site, finding that a whole swarm of them has infested your home can be a nuisance. Here is how to get rid of them: 

Seal Entry Points

Ladybugs are very tiny, with a size ranging from just 0.10 to 0.18 mm. Their small size allows them to enter your home through the smallest of openings. Due to general wear and tear, homes develop cracks and crevices, and this is just how these pests get in. 

Sealing entry points is crucial in preventing ladybugs from infiltrating your living space. Inspect your doors, windows, and walls closely for any gaps, cracks, or openings that these tiny pests could exploit. Use high-quality caulk or weatherstripping to seal off the entry points effectively.

Ensuring your home is properly sealed not only keeps ladybugs out but also helps with energy efficiency and reduces the likelihood of other pests finding their way inside.

Remove Their Food Source 

A very effective method to eliminate any pest is by removing their food source. When it comes to ladybugs, their main source of food are aphids, and other small bugs and their eggs. A small ladybug can consume up to 50 to 60 aphids in a day. 

Therefore, it’s essential to manage aphid populations in your garden. Regularly inspect your plants for signs of aphids, such as curled or yellowing leaves or the presence of sticky honeydew residue. If you detect aphids, take prompt action to eliminate them. By keeping your garden free of aphids, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of ladybugs being around your home. 

Learn More: How To Get Rid Of Tiny Black Bugs On Plants 

Use A Vaccum Cleaner

If you already have ladybugs inside your home, use a handheld or a regular vacuum cleaner to suck them up. Be gentle while vacuuming, as ladybugs can release a yellowish, foul-smelling liquid when they feel threatened. It’s important to dispose of the vacuum bag or canister outside your home to prevent them from coming back in. 

Additionally, you can attach a stocking to the end of your vacuum nozzle with a rubber band. This will help to prevent the ladybugs from getting sucked into the vacuum cleaner and will make it easier to dispose of them later. Another tip is to add a few drops of dish soap to the vacuum bag or canister before vacuuming. This will help to kill the ladybugs and prevent them from crawling out later.

Utilize Diatomaceous Earth

Another way to remove ladybugs from your home is by using the power of diatomaceous earth. This is a natural insecticide renowned for its effectiveness against a variety of pests such as fire ants and ladybugs too. 

Try to get food-grade diatomaceous earth products, as these are purified and will not harm your pets. Sprinkle this fine powder around areas where ladybugs are prevalent, focusing on entry points and gathering spots. Diatomaceous earth works by dehydrating the insects upon contact, effectively eliminating them from your home.

Use Insecticidal Soap

Insecticidal soap offers another potent solution for getting rid of ladybugs. This specially formulated soap disrupts the protective waxy layer on an insect’s body, causing them to become dehydrated and perish. Simply apply the insecticidal soap directly to the ladybugs or any entry points, ensuring thorough coverage for optimal results. Watch as the soap swiftly eliminates ladybugs upon contact, providing quick relief from infestations.

Effective Natural Ingredients

For a natural approach to deterring ladybugs, consider these simple methods using common household items. 

  • You can create a vinegar solution by mixing equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle and then spray it in areas where ladybugs are present. 
  • Crush garlic cloves and mix them with water to create a garlic spray. 
  • Scatter citrus peels, such as lemon or orange, near entry points to repel ladybugs with their scent.
  • Consider using bay leaves, which ladybugs dislike. Scatter bay leaves in areas where ladybugs are present or may enter your home to help keep them away. 

Get The Best Ladybug Pest Control Service In The Area

If, despite your best efforts, you still find ladybugs on your windowsill or other areas of your home then it’s time to contact the professional team at Jamison Pest and Lawn. We have been serving the states of Tennessee and Mississippi for years, and are ready to help with any pest infestation you may have. We use an effective combination of bating and spraying techniques to get rid of ladybug infestation, so contact us today at (901) 452-1505 to find out how we can help you. 


A.No, ladybugs are not harmful to humans. In fact, they are beneficial insects that can help control pests in gardens and farms. Ladybugs are also harmless to pets, however, their infestation can be a nuisance.

A.If you see large numbers of ladybugs gathering on interior walls, windows, or doors of your home or building, it could be a sign of a ladybug infestation. Ladybugs can also leave a yellowish stain or odor when they are disturbed or crushed.

A.Yes, ladybugs are common in Mississippi. The most common species of ladybugs found in Mississippi is the convergent lady beetle. They are often found in gardens, farms, and natural areas.